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Sai Office Supplies East Africa

This Supplier

Product Summary

Sai Office Supplies Limited was incorporated in 1994. We are direct importers, wholesalers and distributors of Office automation products, stationery, IT and Media peripherals and paper products.Our success is based upon the fact that we are committed to building our brands and proof of that lies in our successful service centre that services 5 different brands. We are also one of the pioneers in developing the complete solution in after sales support centres Authorised distributors for APC, Epson, Fujitsu Siemens, Fellowes, SAI's Office Point,Lenovo, Trust and Su-Kam. Kenya | Uganda | Tanzania | Rwanda | [email protected] | +254-20-6928000

Country Kenya

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Company Summary

Ramco Group

Company Description

Mr Rambhai came to Kenya in the early 1940s from the Gujarat region of India. He started a small...

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