This Supplier
The company is now part of a group that produces NFP & NFX bricks in excess of 200 million bricks per annum. Apollo Brick (Pty) Ltd produce approximately 12 million bricks per month. The factory is located 35 km east from Midrand close to the Rietvleidam and employs +/- 290 staff. Clay is sourced from the property and shaped into bricks with a traditional clay brick producing plant. After manufacturing the bricks are dried and fired in clamps. Quality is monitored during the whole process to ensure NFP & NFX bricks exceeding the SABS standard. Apollo Brick is also a member of the Clay Brick Association. The aim of Apollo Brick is to profitably produce NFP and NFX bricks to the building industry excelling in quality, price and customer service.| +27 11 848-2000 | [email protected]
Country South Africa
Apollo Brick was formed in 1995 and purchased Eagle Brick & Tile (Pty) Ltd (Gauteng) to ensure...
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