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Marine Radio | SIMRAD 4G Broadband Radar

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Product Summary

SIMRAD Broadband 4G™ Radar has an impressive 50% improvement in range and target detection capability, with a new 36nm range and 18 range scales to accomodate the increased performance. With dual radar capability, it is possible for two radar sources to be displayed simultaneously. Connect either two Broadband Radars or two Pulse Radars or one of each and see both radar images at the same time. for more information please contact us on Tel: +27 21 559 4003 | Fax: +27 21 559 2752 | Email: [email protected] or visit our website

Country South Africa

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Company Summary

MRAD | Marine Radio Acoustic Devices

Company Description

Our company was established by Eddy Elschot and Brad Baker, in 1998. It covers all fisheries...

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