Find out how esaja works for African businesses

Esaja Premium

Esaja Marketing



Q: How do I join

A: Click on the red signup button (it's the only red button around and should'nt be difficult to find)

Q: What are the account options when joining

When signing up as a new member, the registration page displays 3 membership options:

  1. Buyer: This is only for those who want to buy products through It enables members to post Buying Requests that will be viewed by suppliers across the continent.
  2. Supplier: This is for members that would like to display their products and/or services to companies across the continent. Suppliers can also respond to buying requests from Buyers
  3. Both: This option enables members to sell and buy (1+2)
Q: Which countries are listed on
A: All African countries are listed on the platform, more are in the process of being added on a case by case basis.
Q: How much does it cost to become a member of
A:  Becoming a member of is and always will be free. From time to time the platform will have services that can be paid for (optional).
Q: How can I check if a member or company is genuine?
A: We are committed to making your experience on as credible as possible. With this said it is inevitable that some members might join with an agenda that is far away from doing credible business. You are warned to never pay money or give out confidential information to members or companies that you will have not carried out sufficient due digillence. This can be done by getting as much information as possible about a prospective enquiry or company. Due dilligence and investigation companies across the region can be found under the security and protection category on the home page. Please notify Esaja of any suspected activities via the contact Esaja button on the right hand side of every page.
Q: How do I get in touch with Esaja?
A:  Esaja can be contacted through the contact widget available on the right side of every page. Simply pick the subject and send us your message. We will respond as soon as possible.
A quick "how to" guide with visuals is available at the following link: