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Whole Pasteurised Egg Pulp

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Pack sizes;20kg Polyester lined bag with cardboard outer, 20kg Plastic bucket, 5kg Polyester lined bag inside a 5 kg plastic bucket Shelf life; Fresh: 7 days, Frozen: 12 months Storage temparature;Fresh: < -4.O?C or Frozen: < -20.O?C Applications:Cakes, batters, coatings etc. Replaces shelled eggs Benefits;Cost efficient, no waste, lower hygiene risk, Micro-biologically tested. Whole Pasteurized Egg Pulp 10% Salted - frozen as above but applications are: Mayonnaise manufacture, savory sauces, salad dressings etc.

Country South Africa

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The egg industry is a highly developed and technical industry. To achieve success, the producer...

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