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One of the key activities of the ZNCC is to provide information to its members about national, regional or local policy proposals that are likely to impact upon business and to provide feedback on the response from the business community. There are a variety of issues that can affect business. These can be as simple as public transport issues, or it could be something that has a major impact on all businesses such as changes in key legislation. Representing the business community, the ZNCC has regular contact with local authorities, district councils, MPs and Government to make sure that the voice of business is heard and understood so as to safeguard and promote business interests at all levels.

Country Zimbabwe

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Company Summary

Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC)

Company Description

The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) is a non-profit making membership-based...

  • Verified Trading HistoryVerified Trading History
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  • Verified AddressVerified Address
  • Genuine Awards & CertificationGenuine Awards & Certification

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