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Not Verified By Esaja Since 27 January 2015

This Supplier

Voltex SA

Company Description

Voltex is a leading stockist and reseller of a vast and comprehensive range of electrical and lighting products, including local and international suppliers and their brands. Voltex is a proudly Bidvest company and is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bidvest Group Limited, a company listed on the South African stock exchange. Voltex forms part of Bidvest Electrical and enjoys a level 2 BBBEE rating. The group is pided into specialised supply and distribution business units. Our six supplier pisions namely Atlas Cable Suppliers/Voltex T&D, Versalec Cables, Cabstrut, Voltex LSis, Voltex Lighting and Waco Industries ensure a well-balanced and extremely comprehensive product range. | +27 11 879 2000 | [email protected]

South Africa
Year Founded:
February ,2002
Legal Status:
Private Company
39 Wordsworth Avenue, Senderwood, 2007 Johannesburg, Gauteng

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