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Sub-Saharan Realty

Company Description

Sub Saharan Estate agents is a vibrant estate agents organization that has been operating in Zimbabwe since 2011. Proudly and Wholly Zimbabwean owned we seeks to provide powerful, sound and world class real estate solutions to the entire nation and to the whole Sub Saharan region and to be known for professionalism. Why you must hire us? We are honest – Our clients expect it We are transparent – Our clients have a right to all and correct information Tinomhanya – Our clients see the urgency and importance we attach to their business We account for your rent and expenses – we have a strong accounting background We look after your property -not as a cliche’ but – we take care of repairs -we make sure ZESA and City of Harare bills are paid!

Year Founded:
March ,2011
Legal Status:
Private Company
142 Nelson Mandela Cnr 7th Street, Harare Zimbabwe.

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