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Not Verified By Esaja Since 29 July 2016

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Granor-Passi Pty Ltd

Company Description

Founded in 1956, GRANOR PASSI (Pty) Ltd is the leading fruit processor in South Africa. GRANOR PASSI's processing facilities are ideally situated in some of the best fruit farming regions and are thus able to obtain the best of the South African fruit harvest. Using these select fruit, only the best and choicest juices are produced for local and international markets. Product ranges include all citrus variants, apple, pear, guava, mango, litchi and many more. Granor Passi also sources other fruit concentrates and pulps which enables us to offer our customers a complete basket of fruit products.

South Africa
Year Founded:
January ,1956
Legal Status:
Private Company
4 Kalsiet Street • Magna Via Polokwane, South Africa 0699

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