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Not Verified By Esaja Since 19 September 2014

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Barrel Engineers & Founders (Pvt) Ltd

Company Description

Barrel Engineers and Founders (PVT) LTD was incorporated in 2000 and has grown into a recognizable player in the industry. We have over the years pursued a policy of Capital growth through acquisition of state of the art machinery necessary to enable us to provide complete machining service. We have state of the art Gear-hobbing and Bevel Gear Cutting machines which have confirmed us as one of the leading providers on Gear Cutting Services. These machines complimented by a deliberate skills upgrading exercise which gives us the capacity to take on all and any Gear Cutting job in the country up to 700 mm diameter

Year Founded:
April ,2000
Legal Status:
Private Company
14 Barrel Engineers Road Southerton

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