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Not Verified By Esaja Since 21 November 2014

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Aluminium Systems & Partitioning

Company Description

Aluminium Systems and Partitioning (Pvt.) Ltd is a company whose prominent focus is on Ceilings, Partitions, Aluminium and Glass. Although much of our product-line is sourced from South Africa, we have recently developed trade partners in Europe and America, thereby capable of supplying in accordance with world class standards. We as Aluminium Systems and Partitioning (Pvt.) Ltd supply and fix exclusive commodities for our clients, it inpidual, industrial or corporate based. We strive to uphold the integrity of the group through competitive pricing and uncompromised client satisfaction. Lastly, our persity contributes to the socio-economic development of Southern Africa through employment creation.

Year Founded:
May ,2012
Legal Status:
Private Company
210 Gravesend Road, Willowvale, Harare, Zimbabwe

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